неділя, 20 січня 2008 р.

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Knowing about existence sexual, so to say, deviations as the Fetishism, not many understand its value.

Let's try to explain.

Fetishism (frants. fetiche - an idol talisman, synonyms - idolism, sexual symbolism, partsialism sexual), deviation sexual, described a sexual inclination to various animated and to inanimate objects, parts of a body and elements of clothes (« linen fetishism »).

Possibly, devian's fetish is capable to replace completely needs of nature polovozrelogo the person in dialogue with other person. Fetishem there is any subject, deprived the spiritual maintenance, but this spiritual maintenance is filled with imaginations devianta, frequently without taking into account real conditions and feelings of the partner.

Full freedom of actions with fetish, not demanding the most difficult for deviant - expenses of mental and physical energy for a spirit of the second partner for an intimate wave, is for it the most attractive and allows to be given completely to flight of sexual imagination and illusions.

Therefore the person of the partner does not play for the fetish fan absolutely any role. At the same time for many men any part of a body of the woman (a breast, legs, buttocks, etc.) or the subject of a female toilet can play a role of a stimulator of sexual feeling, and memoirs on them can be accompanied even masterbate and orgasm.

But masterbate in this case has replaceable character, it is indissolubly connected with the person of the woman, by its behaviour and it is not perceived out from it. At fetishism this image has no concrete owner, and exists as though in itself, separately.

Therefore a various sort sexual actions including the sexual act, are possible with any woman, without taking into account its personal qualities, age, appearance and temperament. Fetish usually symbolizes and replaces or concrete object of love, or a collective image of preferable objects by a principle « a part instead of the whole ».

Fetish helps to strengthen brightness of imaginations and dreams, to make their subject and perceived, to achieve the maximal sexual excitation.

Elements of fetishism accompany both normal, and pathological sexuality. Overcoming of difficulties in purchase fetish (theft) already delivers the certain pleasure.

The sexual satisfaction is reached not simply by reception of a desired subject, and by its sense of smell, touch, applying to genitals, "laying" in bed in a combination with masterbate.

The "linen" fetishism is quite often accompanied by changing clothes in linen of persons of an opposite floor that makes an essence of transvestism as one of variants of fetishism. Fetishists steal linen from cords during its drying is more often, on beaches and in other places and only sometimes buy in shops. Each fetishist has preferences.

Variants of fetishism are extraordinary various. There is a fetishism of a nose, hands, breasts, legs, the buttocks full or a thin figure, the spoiled legs or the person, a squint and long hair, shaved pussy and haired , etc. the Fetishism of clothes practically includes all wardrobe of the modern woman from swimming trunks and stockings (depending on a style, furnish and color) up to gloves, footwear and fur of a fur coat.

At women the fetishism is shown as an attraction to a different sort to tattooes, scar's, beard, moustaches, a degree of development of a secondary scalp, the form of clothes (more often to uniforms), etc. Extraordinary often fetish - the timbre of a voice of the man, especially the tenor is.

Distinguish kinds of fetishism:

Geterohromofilism - sex with the representative of other race, where a difference in colour to a leather stimuliret excitation (a version of fetishism). For example, between black the young man and the white girl.

Retifism - a version of the fetishism often combined with mazohizmom at which the role fetisha plays footwear (and sometimes and other subjects from a leather).

Apotemnofilism - a version of fetishism combined a sado-masochism at which the role fetisha is played with uglinesses of a body.


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